Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sample of "The Hill" Propaganda Machine

Stopped by The Hill Blog for today's fill of propaganda, and of course was not dissappointed. You can have a look yourself, as below is the diatribe posted by Republican Whiner Fla. GOP Rep. Dave Weldon, who I guess is fine with each and every American man, woman and child in debt some #30,000 because of the tax breaks Bush and the Republicans have given to the rich and elite in the past six years.

Tax Increases Lurk Behind Coded Democratic Comments
November 14th, 2006
During a speech last week, Robert Rubin, Treasury Secretary under Clinton and a top Democrat advisor on tax policy, spoke in code about his party’s commitment to raise taxes on millions of American families and businesses, saying, “You cannot solve this nation’s fiscal problem without increased revenue.” Rubin’s comment is only the latest signal from the new Democrat majority that automatic tax increases are in the future for Americans.

Taxpayers shouldn’t be confused by Rubin’s carefully worded comment about increasing government revenue. Democrats only have one plan when they talk about the budget: Tax increases. Cutting spending isn’t even mentioned as an option.

Posted by Fla. GOP Rep. Dave Weldon

Tell us Congressman Dave Weldon, do you believe in living within a budget, and not writing bad checks? If so, please explain how you can condone the debt that you and the Republicans have run up since Bush took office?

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